When I am creating an altar that is seasonally or 'wheel of the year' focused I often start with the color theme. I begin with this element because it often lays the foundation for my altar, quite literally as in its the fabric on which I lay the altar items. For Samhain its not uncommon for me to use the color black, brown or other autumn colors as my base layer.
I also like to include the four elements or items that represent the elements; earth, air, fire and water. In the altar shown here, I would say the candles represent fire, the pumpkins represent earth, the flowers represent air and the water for the flowers represent water. This is a very loose representation of the elements but I am a fan of flow and ease so this works for me. You may want to use a standard representation of earth, air, fire, water; such as a bowl of dirt, a candle for fire, a bowl of water for water and incense for air.
Since Samhain is the holiday that honors the ancestors, its one of the reasons we see skulls as decorations, I believe that our instincts recognize this even in our secular celebrations. I include skulls in my Samhain decorations, but I am very particular in that I do not use skulls that have a menacing or angry looks to them. I want to engage with ancestors that are benevolent not scary. Honestly the world is scary enough. I want to represent the dead as parts of my family and friends not some unknown creature. Making an altar, I recommend practicing with many techniques to see which resonates with you most. Try using traditional items and non-traditional items. Often I see people get overwhelmed with 'doing it right" and therefore not doing anything. Make sure your choices are conscientious, intentional and clear. And most of all practice, create something, rather just think about it. Put your spirituality into actual practice. That is the best way to find out what works for you personally.
Of course if you are working within a particular tradition then there will be rules, techniques and requirements to create an altar in that style or tradition. Here I am talking about some universal altar suggestions. Start with a cloth and colors theme, add candles, incense, and items that bring the energy you are seeking to create. Make sure your altar is in a space that will be accessible but not in the way of other activities. Some people have their altars in private spaces only and others have their altars in places where house guests may see them and interact with them. You choose what suits you best! Happy Samhain!