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Practices for Discovering Your Psychic Intuitive Tools- Step Three

Writer's picture: Karin OlsenKarin Olsen

              There are so many ways a person can be psychic and honestly tools are not even necessary but can be helpful, especially as you begin your psychic intuitive journey. The first question you should ask yourself, is there a tool I am already drawn to? Do you have decks of intuitive cards, runes, or other symbolic tools? Do you like to write and journal every day? Do have a meditation practices? All of these things and more can be your tools.

              Some of your tools may not even be physical things. I believe a very important tool would be the practice of grounding. This is something I do anytime I engage in the spiritual world. The first thing I do is ground my energy. Another practice that requires no stuff is my beginning and ending of each session. I say a prayer/spell/incantation that creates the circumstances I require for psychic work. I request the assistance of my soul team and I ask them to create a safe container for spirit work.  This might be my most important tool I use on a regular basis.

Non-physical tools 

I often say that I do not need tools to tap into my psychic intuitive nature but my clients like it when I use them. After almost 40 years of cultivating my psychic nature, I have worked with many kinds of tools and found myself in situations when no physical tools were available. In those situations, I relied on my non-physical tools so let’s talk about those first. Grounding is my first task. I do this by calling in my spirit helpers. I ground myself by closing my eyes, calling my energy back into my body and anchoring myself to this moment in time. I often recall my body’s connection specifically to earth. I consciously feel the gravitational pull of earth on my body. This helps me settle more deeply into my body and here I can feel my senses more easily as I am deciphering the messages I receive.

Psychic protection or creating a non-physical space in which to practice would be the next step. I use smoke cleansing and candles to help my consciousness become aware that we are entering sacred space. I think this helps my clients as well. I say a prayer out loud to request the assistance of my soul team and my client’s soul team. I also ask the guides and guardians that I have worked with for years to create a safe protected space. This safe space has been cultivated with hundreds if not thousands of connection practices over decades of working in the spirit world.

Next, I check in and use my psychic skills to measure if this space is in fact spiritually safe. Again, I am employing psychic protection practices while I am tapping into my psychic skills in addition to using psychic protection hygiene in my daily living. Because I am a highly sensitive person, protection practices are essential for my daily comfort. If the spiritual space feels unsettling or precarious then I request more assistance from my spiritual helpers. Sometimes I request that any beings or entities that have ill-will, deception or trickster energy, step outside the safety of the circle and then ask my guides to protect the space again. I do a final check in to be sure the spiritual space feels safe and once that is confirmed only then do I continue.

Making sure I will not be interrupted or distracted is also helpful. I am in my office with the door closed. I tap into the unseen realm and make the requests either for myself or for my client. Once I have received the available information then I close the sacred space that was created. I do this by sharing my gratitude for the guides, guardians and allies that attended for our time together. I have been doing this for decades so I have sense of how many entities were in attendance, so I express my gratitude for their help and assistance. I address my client’s soul team first, thanking them, then I thank my soul team. I will often use a particular phrase such as “Thank you guides and guardians for your time, care and attendance.” I might also include specific information I am grateful to receive. This way I know I am honoring them respectfully each time.

Physical tools

Its very popular to work with cards, particularly tarot cards. There are many psychic tools and I encourage you ‘play’ (respectfully and safely) with different tools. Play is one of the ways that we tap into our psychic nature. When you begin working with a tool it’s a good idea to learn how the tool works and how it has been traditionally used. Avoid cultural appropriation by educating yourself on culturally sensitive tools such as tarot, runes and many other spiritual tools.

Most people think of the divination tools as the things that actually connect you to your intuitive insights. But there are other tools to consider, such as the fabric you lay your tools upon, or the bag in which you carry your tools. These things can be considered as well. If you use these things every time you connect with your intuitive nature then they become allies in your work. You might have a collection of crystals that you put on the table you are working on, to help clear space, hold space and deepen your connection to your spiritual resources. I have a tiny little broom that I sometimes use to sweep away the previous reading when I work in large venues, and when I am seeing 50-60 people at one event. This little broom helps me clear the energetic space so that I can quickly and efficiently remove the psychic debris of the previous client before I begin another session.

Another tool might be a candle. Lighting a candle before you begin your work signals your body, mind and spirit that you are embarking on a special event. Doing this every time you engage in psychic activity gives your body, mind and spirit a short cut to your practices. You can drop into grounded, centered, mindful space when you do this every time you connect with your spiritual side. Using a specifically colored candle or even a candle with words on it like” intuition” or ‘psychic connection” can help increase your efficiency. Generally speaking, the color purple is associated with intuition.

Even dressing in specific clothes can be tools that activate your spiritual nature. You might wear a cloak, a shawl or a head covering to help yourself connect to your intuitive skills. You might wear jewelry such as crystals, pendants or bracelets that act as activators to bring in your intuition. I often wear bracelets when I read cards to help my hands find the right information for my client. Certainly these crystals and clothes can activate your spiritual side, they can also act as protections. These tools can help shield you from unwanted or confusing information. By wearing specific clothes or jewelry you are activating your protections and your intuition.             


Examine Cultural Appropriation. Do a little research on the history of your preferred tool. Investigate if there are groups that believe that this tool can be culturally appropriated. Examine your relationship to these tools.

Practice with your preferred non-physical tools. Create a daily practice to experience how your tools work. Incorporate non-physical tools and journal about how it did or did not make a difference in your work.

Practice with your physical tools. Ask friends and family to receive intuitive insights from you. Go to card reading classes or salons. Invite friends over to share readings with one another. Be cautious of offering readings over the internet. There are many scammers that use this tactic to steal money from people and you might be perceived as a scammer if you offer free readings.

Do readings for yourself every morning. Write the insights you receive in a journal and review your insights at the end of the day. Notice if you received messages that shifted in perspective over the course of the day. This is quick practice, it should only take about 5 minutes in the morning and then up to 20 minutes of writing in the evenings.

How ever you practice make sure you are using your psychic protection and hygiene skills. Create a sacred circle to do your work, invite in your trusted guides to assist you and close the circle when you are finished. Creating these opening and closing rituals are essential to not have the spirit world bleed into the rest of your life. This practice might be the most important- begin and end your practices with intention. Close the spirit work when you are finished. Having healthy boundaries creates an opportunity for more profound spirit work.

For more information about the six steps to developing your psychic intuition, check out more info at



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