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Table with tarot cards and tea cups

Intuitive Readings, Oracle Card Readings, Medium Readings

Connecting to the Spirit realm.

For over 25 years Karin has shared her psychic gifts with hundreds of people. Schedule an appointment with Karin and ask those questions that will help you move forward, help you trust yourself and help you get what you want and need.

Karin is seeing folks through zoom.


"I have had multiple sessions with Karin at Moonhill services seeking guidance for both business and very personal topics. She is extremely caring, professional and insightful. I absolutely believe that she has abilities and eagerly seek her out when weighing serious issues. She is easy to trust and confide in. I strongly recommend her services and abilities." -Nicole B.

"We found ourselves sharing our home with an unwanted spirit. My wife, daughter and I have lived in our  home for almost a year. It was a few days before a full moon in October when we concluded that the sounds we were hearing weren’t birds flying into the window or the normal sounds of a house settling in the warming sun. I’ve always been open minded to the idea of a spiritual world. Never thought I’d be on the receiving end of the spirit trying to get his message across though. Fortunately, we have a family friend like Karin. Didn’t take but 24 hours once we shared with Karin what we’d been living with for the last 2 month. Karin was able to connect with the entity immediately and after we shared some of the particulars with her she then asked if she could sit with the info for a day and get back to us. 24 hours later when Karin contacted us, she shared that in the wee hours of the night she awoke and connected with the unwanted house guest. Karin says the connections are often more successful in the still hours of the night. Long story short, she put the spirit at ease.  Apparently the deeply religious spirit was leary to pass thru as it wasn’t sure if what awaits is heaven or hell. Karin made the connection and helped the spirit feel comfortable that his ancestors were waiting on the other side. She then sealed the portal, covered it with mirrors, and our home is peaceful. Things are good a week in and everyone is feeling relaxed. Thanks Karin! 

-Jeffery B.

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